Surfing in March

The Stoked Zone continues the series and each month presents some of the best surf spots for that month. Click here to continue with Surfing in March!


1. Norre Vorupör, Denmark

Norre Vorupör, Stummelmole

March in Denmark offers good, but still quite cool surfing conditions. But that’s no problem at all, if equipped with a good 6/5 neo with a hood, 7 mm neoprene shoes and 3-5 mm neoprene gloves. Why go surfing in Denmark in March? The advantages are obvious: quite high probability of groundswell, frequent easterly winds (offshore on the west coast of Denmark), rarely low pressure systems with strong westerly winds, low season prices for vacation homes, little going on on the beach, the sun already warms up more, great surf spots on the west coast,…. The Stoked Zone would like to introduce you to the Norre Vorupor spot.

Country: Denmark

Spot: Norre Vorupor, Stummelmole

Location: Northwest Denmark, 10 km south of Klitmöller

Best months: all year round (with appropriate neo), partly flat in summer

Surf level: All skill levels, especially good for intermediates and advanced surfers

Location of the spot:
large sandy bay north of the small pier

Wave: left-breaking wave, changing peaks in the bay

Wave height: 1 – 2.5m

Wave direction: SW – NW

Best wind direction: East – Southwest

Optimal tides: Midtide (all tides ok)

Ground: sand, small stones, amber

Neoprene: 6/5

Water: 4°C

Air: 4 – 8°C


  • Stone pier (if you surf too close to it)


+ safe sandy bay

+ many wind and swell directions work

+ protected from westerly winds by the long pier

+ Relaxed parking behind the dunes or in the main parking lot

+ nice, small fishing village

+ showers and toilets

+ shopping facilities, restaurants and cafés

+ holiday homes, within walking distance of the beach


– cold water in winter

– rather smaller waves in summer

– susceptible to weather

– very full at peak season times, especially in summer


At nord-east swell it can get really big on the south side of the long pier.

Check out the fresh fish at the “Harbor” and/or the delicious burger in Norre after your surf session.

2. Costa da Caparica, Portugal

Costa da Caparica, southern end

Every surfer has probably heard of Peniche, Supertubos, Ericeira, Algarve, Sagres etc. or has surfed there already. But who knows Costa da Caparica? South of Lisbon, on the other side of the Tagus, lies a real gem with plenty of beaches for surfing: Costa da Caparica.

Country: Portugal

Spot: Costa da Caparica

Location: South of Lisbon

Best months: March – October

Surfing level: Suitable for beginners, advanced and experts

Location of the spot: between the piers of the promenade

Wave: point break, left and right running waves

Wave height: 0.5 – 3m

Wave direction: SW – NW

Best wind direction: Easterly winds

Optimal tides: Midtide

Ground: Sand

Neoprene: 4/3

Water: 16°

Air: 18°


  • Current with large waves
  • Shorebreak with large waves


+ surfable even in smaller waves

+ surfers spread out between the many piers

+ beautiful sandy beach

+ little tourism

+ local flair

+ many AirBnB apartments + a large hotel

+ great natural surroundings, especially south of Costa da Caparica and the large nature reserve

+ South of the last pier, 30 km of fine sandy beach


– rather rainy in winter

– conditions change greatly with the tides

– susceptible to winds from the west


A Costa da Caparica vacation can easily be combined with trips to Ericeira or Peniche (travel time approx. 1.5 h).

In the evening, you should definitely end the day on the promenade and watch the sunset.

There is a campsite in Costa da Caparica where you can stay overnight at a reasonable price.

3. Dracula's, Morocco


In Morocco, there are super spots for beginners and advanced surfers as well as waves for experts. Dracula’s is a challenge for surfing champions. The name of the spot comes from the sharp-edged rocks at the entrance and exit, which are reminiscent of Darcula’s teeth and can quickly make your board or hands bleed.

Country: Morocco

Spot: Dracula’s

Location: north of Tagahzout, near Tiguert Beach

Best months: September – April

Surf level: Experts only!

Location of the spot: 200m south of the “Boilers” spot, rocky bay

Shaft: long-running, right-breaking wave

Wave height: 1.5 – 3.5m

Wave direction: W – NW

Best wind direction: Easterly winds

Optimal tides: Midtide

Ground: sand / stone

Neoprene: 3/2

Water: 19°C

Air: 23°C


  • Sea urchin
  • Sharp-edged rocky coast
  • Extremely difficult entry and exit
  • current


+ the wave runs when it gets too big in boilers

+ usually never crowded

+ beautiful long, fast, right-breaking wave


– see dangers

– no infrastructure

– only accessible by car


First check whether you can handle it in boilers.

Never go surfing alone in Dracula’s.

4. Huanchaco, Peru

Huanchaco, Inside

As in other travel articles in the Stoked Zone, we don’t want you to miss out on long-distance destinations. . Here we go to Huanchaco, Peru – probably the birthplace of surfing and home of the“Tortora Reed Caballito Riders“. This region has waves all year round!

Country: Peru

Spot: Punta Huanchaco (outside)

Location: in the north of Peru, near Trujillo

Best months: March – October

Surfing level: Suitable for beginners, advanced and pros

Location of the spot: Sandy beach and rocky bay (behind the jetty)

Wave: long, left-breaking wave with beautiful sections

Wave height: 0.5 – 3m

Wave direction: S – W

Best wind direction: easterly winds

Optimal tides: Hightide – Midtide

Ground: sand, stones

Neoprene: Shorty in summer, otherwise 3/2

Water: 23°

Air: 25°


  • scattered stones on the beach / in the water
  • Sea urchins at low tide (if you have to walk through shallow water)
  • Extremely hot promenade at lunchtime (if you don’t want to grill your feet, you should wear slippers)
  • Water quality in the bay not so good


+ rarely crowds

+ beautiful wave with different peaks and sections

+ good spot for advanced users

+ relaxed vibe in Huanchaco

+ cheap food

+ accommodation directly at the spot

+ a vehicle is not absolutely necessary on site

+ culturally interesting (e.g. archaeological center in Trujillo)

+ Chicama is only about 40 minutes away by car (there are day trips from Huanchaco)

+ the bay behind the spot is suitable for beginners


– mostly current (lots of paddling)

– frequent fog from the morning until noon (disappears when the sun gets stronger)

– you won’t get far with English in many places (Hablas espanol?)

– Currently unstable political situation in Peru


There is a good selection of street food, which is extremely easy on your wallet. Add the coconut right away!

In addition to trips to Chicama, trips to Puemape and Pascomayo are an interesting alternative.

Check the Foreign Office before you go!

5. Iquique, Chile


We stay in South America and introducing you to the next super surfing region: Iquiqe – here you will find seven excellent reef breaks in a small bay. We introduce you to the most harmless spot, Playa Cavancha.

Country: Chile

Spot: Playa Cavancha

Location: Iquique, north of Santiago de Chile

Best months: whole year

Surf level: more suitable for advanced surfers and pros

Location of the spot: small bay at the southern end of Iquique beach

Wave: Beachbreak

Wave height: 0.5 – 1.5 m

Wave direction: S – W

Best wind direction: Easterly winds

Optimal tides: Midtide

Ground: Sand

Neoprene: 3/2

Water: 21°

Air: 30°


  • larger swell
  • closeout
  • shorebreak


+ many spots within walking distance to the north

+ wave runs almost always

+ surfing directly near his accommodation options

+ good infrastructure

+ lots of sun and warm

+ few tourists

+ nightlife


– many of Iquique’s spots are only suitable for experts

– closeout with larger swell

– long flight time (from Europe)


Check out the spots around Iquique in detail before you go out. It’s best to talk to locals.

You should definitely combine a trip to Chile with a road trip. Besides Iquique, there are many other places with great conditions.

You can find more warm destinations for your surfing in March in our blog “Surfing in winter – warm destinations“.

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Hamburg, 10.12.2024 – Boot & Fun Berlin was another success for the development of the Stoked Zone as a platform for surf sports